Independent Research with a Global Perspective
We recognize the critical importance of being well-informed when making investment decisions. For many investors, this entails having timely access to unbiased economic and financial market research.
Rigorous and Comprehensive
Our highly qualified and experienced research team closely monitors and analyzes the global economy, offering detailed insights into the dynamic financial markets and the forces shaping the future.
Whether you’re interested in broad economic developments or the latest investment trends, our research team ensures your investment decisions are backed by timely, sound, and independent financial analysis.
Our Main Areas of Focus
- Macroeconomics: Covering developed, emerging, and some frontier markets
- Currencies: Focusing on developed market (G10) and emerging market currencies
- Fixed Income
- Equities
- Commodities
- Thematic Research: Including Next Generation trends shaping the future
- Technical Analysis
Analyses by our research team are independent, with restrictions that may apply depending on the client’s domicile.